Welcome Back! We are so happy to be back together at OLGC. Although this school year is going to be different for us all, we are looking forward to making it as fun and productive as possible. Here is what you need to know for the first week of school.
First week of school schedule: Wednesday September 9, 2020 - Cohort A attends school.
Thursday September 10, 2020 - Cohort B attends school.
Dismissal starts at 1:00pm BOTH Days. See below for dismissal procedures.
NO HOT LUNCH 9/9 or 9/10, please send your child with lunch.
Friday September 11, 2020 NO SCHOOL
Arrival Procedure: Arrival will be staggered according to last name
M-R- 8:10
All children should exit the car on the passenger side. Temperatures will be taken before exiting the car. Please take your child's temperature at home! If a child has a temperature of 100 or higher, they cannot come to school. All students will enter the building at the front door.
Dismissal Procedure: Dismissal will be staggered according to last name
Dismissal will take place in the school yard. Please don't linger!
Pre-K students will be dismissed at 11AM.
Every child is required to wear a mask and have their temperature taken at drop off.
Your child is able to wear any of the following uniforms to school: fall, winter or gym.
On remote days your child must wear an OLGC shirt.
No bus service at this time
There will be no streaming on September 9th or 10th for remote students. However, teachers will reach out to introduce themselves.